About Us

This Fashion Trend blog’s visual journal is called Uptolast. Our mission is to instill confidence in others through fashion. We believe that striving to be the best version of yourself while accepting yourself exactly as you are is possible.

We believe that confidence is the foundation of a great outfit, and there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who believes she is beautiful.

In our blogs, we cover everything from trends, style tips, beauty tips, fashion advice, wellness, health, lifestyle in a metropolis, and much more. We even answer your burning questions and solve your style and beauty issues.

Most importantly, we’re not afraid to talk about issues that we all face, such as self-esteem, women’s fashion online, body image, motherhood, where to find the perfect shade of lipstick, Home food benefits, denim that doesn’t gap at the waist, and shapewear that works without cutting off our circulation. What you should buy and where you can get it. 

Aside from that, we cover entertainment for you, offering a top list of everything from upcoming Bollywood movie trailers to upcoming web series. Travel to Fitness is the best country to visit. Get everything in one package.


Join our blogger community-

Do you want to be a part of our epic journey and realize your full potential? We welcome you not only to read but also to share your stories with us and be featured as a writer.


We are always delighted to receive targeted, relevant, and concise information, writeups, and pitches for a fashion industry audience. There’s nothing else we’d like more than to hear about your experiences and tips, which may help our fellow sisters grow as well. 


Not a writer?  No worries! 

This is a call for every work from home for housewives. You may not be a professional writer or a writer at all. But your tips and advice can help others. 


Share your Beauty Secrets, Fitness tips, Fashion accessories ideas, Entertainment, Health tips, Movie reviews and ratings.

We would like to extend this as an opportunity for housewives out there to come and join us.

So look around, ask questions, and share your thoughts and experiences; we’re glad you’re here!