World Blood Donor Day 2021: All you need to know

We observe World Blood Donor Day on 14th June every year, To spread awareness about this life-saving procedure. The day is decided to promote blood donation and save lives by donating blood among people who need it. The event serves to create awareness of the requirements for safe blood and blood products and thank voluntary, life-savers for unpaid blood donors.

1.World Blood Donor Day 

World Blood Donor Day 2021 takes place on 14 June every year. The main crux is to raise global awareness of the need for clean and safe blood and blood products for blood exchange and of the condemning contribution voluntary, unpaid blood donors make to national health systems. 

The day also gives an opportunity to call to action to governments and national health authorities to provide requisite resources and put into place systems and infrastructures to increase the collection of blood from voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors.

1.1.History of World Blood Donor Day

History of world Blood Donor Day 2021
History of world Blood Donor Day 2021

The birth anniversary of Karl Landsteiner is celebrated as World Blood Donor Day on June 14. This day was first institute and established on June 14, 2004, by the World Health Organization(WHO),

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies with the aim of raising public awareness about the requirement for safe blood donation voluntarily and unpaid by the healthy person.

1.3.Blood Donation Eligibility Requirements

Blood TypeCan Donate Red Blood Cells ToCan Receive Red Blood Cells From
OO, A, B, ABO, O-
AA, ABA, A-, O, O-
A-A, A-, AB, AB-A-, O-
BB, ABB, B-, O, O-
B-B, B-, AB, AB-B-, O-
AB-AB, AB-AB-, A-, B-, O-
Blood Donation Elegibility Requirements

1.4.Objectives of Blood Donation Day

Objectives of World Blood Donar Day
Obhectives of Blood Donation Day

The objective of this year’s campaign on World Blood Donor Day 2021 aims:

  • Say thank you to donors of the world and create public awareness of the needy for daily, unpaid blood donation.
  • Provide help to promote the community values of donation in enhancing community solidarity .
  • Hearten youth to embrace the humanitarian call to donate blood and encourage others to do the same.
  • Acknowledge the potential of young people as partners in promoting health.

1.5.World blood donor day themes

World blood donor day 2021 Theme  

The slogan or theme for this year’s World Blood Donor Day will be “Give blood and keep the world-beating”. The message brings the vital contribution of blood donors to save lives.

2020: Safe Blood Saves Lives

World Blood Donor Day 2020 revolves around the theme, ‘Safe Blood Saves Lives’. The slogan was ‘Give Blood And Make The World A Healthier Place’. WHO announced a virtual rally for the Covid-19 pandemic.

2019: Safe Blood for All

The campaign expressed gratitude towards voluntary, unpaid blood donors. It aimed to spread awareness about regular blood donations. Attention to this shall ensure access to affordable and timely blood and blood products, a key component of effective health systems.

2018: Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life

The purpose of this topic is that people take care of each other

2017: Give Blood. Give Now. Give Often

This year, through this slogan, an attempt has been made to tell that every person should help others by giving a valuable gift like blood.

2016: Blood connects us all

The aim of this topic is to donate blood voluntarily in the spirit of social integration while taking care of each other. Blood connects us all.

2015: Thank you for saving my life

The theme of this year was to thank the blood donors who save people every day by donating their blood and are always ready to help them. This year, attention was drawn to the stories of those whose lives were saved by donating blood.

2014: Safe blood for saving mothers

The centre of the WBDD 2014 campaign was “Safe blood for saving mothers”. The campaign’s objective was to raise awareness about why timely access to safe blood is a crucial part of a comprehensive approach to preventing maternal deaths. The host for the event was Sri Lanka. 

2013: Give the gift of life: donate blood

This year, an attempt was made to show this by keeping this theme, that if you donate blood as a gift to someone, then there is no greater gift in the world than this.

2012: Every blood donor is a hero

Keeping this topic, an effort was made to tell that any person can become a hero by donating blood. Rather than scientific progress in every field, blood is still not produced artificially, so voluntary blood donation is key for the health care of the victim.

1.6.Host for world blood donor day 2021 

Italy will host World Blood Donor Day 2021 through its National Blood Centre. The global event will be held in Rome on 14 June 2021.

1.7.Blood donation quotes 

Blood Donation Quotes
Quotations for Blood Donation
  • “There is no greater joy than saving a soul.”
  • If you’re a blood donor, you’re a hero to someone, somewhere, who received your gracious gift of life.”
  • “A life may depend on a gesture from you, a bottle of Blood.”
  • “Someone’s blood saved my life and made my mom smile.”
  • To give blood you need neither extra strength nor extra food, and you will save a life.”
  • “Blood can circulate forever if you keep donating it.”
  • “A life may depend on a gesture from you, a bottle of Blood.”
  • “Every drop of blood is like a breath for someone! Donate blood.”
  • “Blood donation never asks to be rich or poor, any healthy person can donate blood.”
  • “Blood is regenerated after a few months but life is not, Please donate blood.”

That’s all about World Blood Donor Day. We hope this blog motivates you to donate blood for those who need it and help save many lives.

Read More- अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस 2021(INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY 2021): सेहत के लिए कैसे फायदेमंद है योग, जानिए नियमित योग करने के फायदे!

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