International Yoga Day: 5 Morning Yoga poses to Revamp Your Mind And Body

Mornings are a good time to keep practicing your yoga. Your morning yoga session can make you active and be made up of a full-body workout. Be certain to add some yoga poses names like pranayama or meditation to celebrate International Yoga Day into your daily life routine.

International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21 June. The day is remarked to spread awareness about the countless benefits of Yoga. 

The ancient Indian culture and form of exercise are known to give us mental and physical happiness to the body. There are many other advantages to go through early morning yoga. If you are looking for weight loss solutions, following Morning Yoga Asanas exercise causes carbs and fats to metabolize more rapidly.

5 Yoga poses for beginners to start the day on a healthy note

If you want to begin yoga poses in the morning then here are the various different and useful postures which will help you a lot 

1)Surya Namaskar 

Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar 

Sun Salutation should be carried out in the morning with an empty stomach. It requires cohesive body flow and breathing exercises.

2) Bhujangasana


This pose is mostly to build up your abdominal muscles and give relief to your lower back. The pose commonly known as the cobra pose helps in reducing weight near the belly area. 

  • Begin by reclining flat on your stomach
  • steadily bring your palms facing down and place them next to your chest
  • Apply pressure on your palms and raise your abdomen region gradually
  • Inhale from as you lift  the upper body and stretch 
  • Lift your head as behind
  • Hold this position for some seconds

3) Mudra Asana

Mudra Asana
Mudra Asana

The mudra asana is the perfect pose to aid digestion and help stretch the back and strengthen abdomen muscles. If performed in the morning the pose will ensure effective digestion throughout the day. To do this exercise you begin by:

  • Sit in the folded knees posture
  • Place both your arms tightly behind your back
  • Take a deep breath 
  • Gradually liberate  the breath as you bend forward until your forehead touches the ground
  • Hold this position for a few seconds. 
  • Begin to come back to your original position by inhaling

4) Parsva Sukhasana

Parsva Sukhasana
Parsva Sukhasana

This pose helps relieve the body of anxiety and stress and makes you feel peaceful. Here are the steps you should follow:

  • Sit in the lotus position. Take a deep breath and fold your palms inside
  • Slowly raise the folded palms up to head and take a long breath
  • Exhale and bring your palms back in front of your chest
  • Place your left arm on the ground and stretch the upper body to the left with your right arm above your head stretching in the same way as the body
  • return to your original position. Then place your right arm on the ground and stretch your upper body to the right with your left arm stretched above your head in the same direction as your body
  • back to its original position and place equal arms on your folded legs and begin inhaling and exhaling in the right way. Repeat these a few times

5) Kumbhakasana


It is also known as the plank pose. This pose works on your back and stomach. It is perfect to strengthen your core and while it looks simple to do, it takes enormous effort to make grip to that position. 

  • Lie down on your abdomen
  • Place arms in front of you and raise your body
  • Balance the body on your palms and feet
  • Keep your legs straight and make sure that your arms are stretched below your shoulders. Keep your body in an aligned straight and hold this position for a few seconds
  • Exhale as you lower your body into the resting position

Just Celebrate Yoga day with family and Try these asanas at home and feel the change. 

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